Acne is bad enough during the month for a lot of women, but when it occurs during the period, it seems to be even worse. Why do I get acne before my period? What causes it?
Acne before the period is practically a sign that the period is coming especially if you have PMS. The period is a time for the body to eliminate waste products, and if you are experiencing PMS, it’s a sign that the waste products in your body are accumulating to a higher level. The menstrual acne can be considered a sign that the toxins are trying to get out through the skin.
However, it can also be a sign that the probiotic bacteria – your microflora – throughout your body are not correct, and the acne bacteria is multiplying at a faster rate than what it should. The acne bacteria should never be greater in number than the normal flora. The normal flora keep it in check. This fact would be true whether you have acne during your period, acne after your period, or acne before your period. This would be true for cystic acne before the period as well.
You might be wondering to yourself, Is acne a sign of my period? Well, in the ideal world, it shouldn’t be at all. Your period should come and go without you even batting an eye.
How to Get Rid of Period Acne
It’s best to have about 6 menstrual acne remedies in your ‘back pocket’ so that you will always have a possible solution. This way you will know how to prevent acne before your period, and how to control acne during your periods. Some of these will be short term solutions and others will be long term solutions.
1. Cat’s Claw Herb
The herb cat’s claw is Uncaria tomentosa when you check the Latin name. It’s an herb from the Peruvian jungle and actually a vine. It helps detoxify the intestines of harmful bacteria and increases the white blood cell activity in the body by 33% as well as the number of white blood cells by 33%. This means that it will stimulate the immune system. And that’s what you want if you have acne around your period or any other time for that matter.
Dosage is two capsules twice daily.
2. Aspirin Facial Mask
You may not yet have heard of an aspirin facial mask. It’s one of the easiest things to do. Crush three aspirin tablets (uncoated ones) and then add about a tablespoon of water to the crushed tablets. Then apply the mixture to your face. Let it dry for about five minutes and rinse well. Follow with a moisturizer. Doing this a few times a week will do wonders to clear up acne and blemishes such as blackheads.
3. Period Vitamin
A Period Vitamin insures that you are getting all the nutrients you need for the day during the period of your life when you will need a lot of nutrients – the childbearing years. It contains vitamins, minerals, herbs, and other nutrients that can help you significantly. One of the anti-acne nutrients in the period vitamin is zinc.
A Period vitamin is something you only need to take once daily. So it’s quite easy to incorporate into your life.
4. Zinc Supplements
Zinc has been known to be anti-acne for several decades. It’s especially important for healthy skin. The skin actually needs this nutrient to be healthy. Dosage is 15 to 30 mg daily.
5. Colon Cleanse Remedy
If your colon is constipated, then you will have an easier time getting acne any time of the month. You have to decrease toxin waste buildup in the colon if you want to prevent or avoid acne. And it works quite well. The way to do it is to take a colon cleanse herbal formula such as one that contains slippery elm, senna, or cascara sagrada. These are the top three colon cleansing herbs. The label on the bottle will give you the proper dosage to take for the day.
6. Liver Cleanse Remedy
A liver cleanse remedy is also another period acne treatment. The liver is your major detox organ, with the skin being #2 for detox. However, the colon has to be working properly to do this cleanse. The cleanse is a mixture of herbs specifically formulated for cleansing the liver, and usually includes herbs like milk thistle, artichoke, and Oregon grape berry. The label on the bottle will give you the proper dosage to take for the day.
Try these remedies. You can try more than one at the same time if you wish.