Do you have back pain before your period? Or do you have lower back pain and cramps but no period?
Period back pain is actually quite common these days. If you check around with your friends, you’ll most likely find that three out of five people you know with menstrual periods has lower back pain before their menstrual cycle. Some of them will even have such intense back pain that they will have to miss work and/or school.
A Natural Remedy Not To Use for Backache Before Your Period
Just as you will learn PMS back pain treatments to use, you should also know what type of natural remedy not to use. The one that comes to mind right now is hanging upside down. When you hang upside and hang freely, then the tension in the muscles of your back will instantly diminish. However, if you are having your period, the blood is supposed to come down, not go up. It will go up when you hang upside down. That means you end up with a longer period, even though it may be only a day or so.
So don’t use your friend’s inversion table or gravity boots when you’re on your period and want to get rid of lower back pain on your period.
5 Natural Remedies for Back Pain Before Menstrual Cycle
Now let’s look at the PMS back pain treatment types that could work for you.
1. Massage Your Own Back
The reason why your back pain during your period can be eliminated by massaging your own back is because you are addressing the muscle tightness directly. Your muscle seizes up when you have back pain. In the process, the muscle fibers aren’t getting enough oxygen. The oxygen sensors cry out to your body for more oxygen. Any constriction in the muscle essentially squeezes out the oxygen, and this causes the pain receptors in the muscle to give you pain.
Simply squeezing your muscle that hurts and releasing it over and over again constitutes a massage to the muscle. Do it and see what combination of squeezing methods will numb your pain.
2. Do Some Stretches
Stretches are another way for you to get more oxygen into the tissues that are seizing up. Many of the yoga poses can be mimicked to stretch out the muscles in your back that are causing you pain. For example, you may sit down on the floor on top of your feet, and then stretch your arms out forward in front of you. The farther you stretch forward, the more you stretch out the lower back.
3. Use a Relaxing Herb
Relaxing herbs work on the muscles of the body to relax them. The muscles have sensors on them that respond to the nervous system. When you take the herbs, you then experience an effect on the muscles. One example of this is with the herb lemon balm. By drinking a cup of lemon balm tea, you’ll notice an instantaneous calming of the muscles, including the ones that are causing you back pain during your period. It’s that simple.
4. Take Some Vitamin E
Vitamin E is one of those vitamins that many people take for granted. It’s more important than what is realized. Vitamin E will work through the nervous system on the muscles of the body just as lemon balm tea will work, mechanically speaking. You may not realize it but vitamin E even has been noted in earlier studies to relax the muscles of the eyes and coordinate them if someone had one eye looking in a different direction than the other eye. That’s because it works to coordinate them through the nervous system. Try some vitamin E for your back pain. It could be what you need. The dosage is 400 IU per day.
5. Take a Good Overall Vitamin and Mineral Complex (Period Vitamin)
What causes period back pain could be lack of vitamins and minerals. So if you put them in the body together at one time, you get a symbiotic effect. That means that the small amount of one vitamin and mineral has more actions in the body when it’s added at the same time as others. The effects are bigger when you add a combination of vitamins and minerals all at once. Take your Period Vitamin, once daily. It could be what your lower back pain needs.