Getting rid of sore breasts from PMS is a question that many women want the answer to. Some estimates say that 50% of women have tenderness in the breast while others report 82% are affected.
The standard way to reduce tenderness is to relieve congestion that may be accumulating. This is done via a massage of the sore swollen breasts. Have you ever massaged your breasts? If not, simply follow this procedure and you’re one step closer to less breast tenderness during your period.
Breast Massage
- You’ll need a little oil to make the process easier to do. The best oil is almond oil that is scented with vanilla, lavender, rose, or your favorite essential oil. If you have 8 oz. almond oil, adding only about 4 drops of oil is enough.
- Place a little oil in the palm of one hand and rub both hands together. Then gently apply the oil to both breasts and the underarm area.
- Next, starting with one underarm area and your arm over your head, begin long, downward movements with two fingertips from about the middle of your arm to just past your armpit. Do this on the other armpit as well.
- Next massage the right breast starting at the outside edge of the breast and moving inward towards the center of your chest. Then do the underneath side of the breast in a similar way.
- Repeat with the left breast.
Note: All massage movements are slow and light. Do not do deep massage of the breasts. This is one way of how you get rid of sore breasts. It can be done before your period, during your period or after your period.
Home Remedy for Sore Breasts
Another way how to get rid of sore breasts from PMS is to use this one food recipe I like the best.
1. Purchase a big pumpkin.
2. Juice the pumpkin using the recipe below. While juicing the pumpkin, collect about 2 cups of the pumpkin pulp in a separate bowl.
Pumpkin Celery Apple Lemon Juice
1 pumpkin, without the seeds
1 stalk celery
6 apples
1 lemon
Juice all ingredients. Mix together. Drink and enjoy.
3. Drink the juice.
4. Now check your pumpkin pulp in the bowl. Is it very dry? If so, add about ½ cup water to the pulp to give it more moisture.
5. Now apply the pumpkin pulp directly to the breasts that are sore.
6. Allow the pumpkin pulp to contact the breasts for about 10 minutes, then remove and rinse your breasts.
Pumpkin is one of the best anti-inflammatory foods. Some people call it a good herb to take for breast soreness. I used this recipe myself one day when I had immense breast soreness. The soreness was so great that my little 8-pound Pomeranian couldn’t even put her dainty paw on my breast without me shrieking with pain. The pain was gone within the hour.
Pumpkin is very high in beta-carotene, which is a precursor to vitamin A. Vitamin A is excellent for all skin issues, including soreness.
But do also remember to take a period vitamin. You’ll need the period vitamin because it supports your entire reproductive tract during your period. That means that all potential PMS symptoms are gone as a result of supplying the body with the right vitamins and minerals needed for your body.
What your body needs is a lot different than what a child needs or what a man needs.
Recognizing this fact is what has prompted thousands of women to take a period vitamin, much like they take a prenatal vitamin when they are pregnant.
When you’re pregnant, you’re feeding the child that’s growing and developing, and as a result your body needs many more nutrients than before.