If you’ve been hearing about a controversy about whether or not magnesium helps with period pain and menstrual cramps, migraine, and bloating, it’s important to understand both sides of the issue.
Those who believe that the answer to the question, is magnesium good for period pains is yes, are those who have tried it and found it works or those who have researched it themselves in clinical studies and found its high rate of success.
Those in the field of nutrition are also among the list of people who would say try it; you have a good chance of eliminating some of your PMS symptoms with magnesium.
However, not everyone in the field of nutrition believes it will help – and it seems that those who don’t are simply misinformed or people who have strongholds against doing anything positive for your own body with natural healing.
Reasons Why Women Don’t Try Magnesium for Menstrual Pain
What I’ve seen over the years is that there are five primary reasons why people don’t believe that the evidence-based magnesium for menstrual pain, migraine headaches and cramps is valid, even though it is.
1. They don’t believe in nutritional supplements and have a medical mindset.
These people think taking nutritional supplements is a waste of money and the only valid things to put in one’s body are pharmaceutical drugs, which cause tons of side effects. Pharmaceutical drugs are one of the nation’s top killers, as they interact with other drugs. NSAIDs and painkillers are known for their ability to cause internal bleeding and addictions serious enough to have to pay thousands of dollars for recovery programs.
2. They come from a family that is medically oriented.
Often someone who has a medical doctor, psychologist, nurse, or other medical health professional in the family has been taught that natural healing won’t work and is not up to par with medical standards. The reality is that it’s the other way around, and natural healing has been safely used for centuries; medical science is dangerous and often unfounded.
3. They are afraid of side effects or their own safety.
It’s easy to go into the fear mode when something new is presented to you. Some people fear everything, even supplements that are considered essential for your health.
Reading about a supplement could give you the courage to start taking it; it’s that easy.
4. They believe the body is too complicated and you should simply give 100% of your responsibility for health to your doctor.
This type of attitude has ended up causing thousands of unwanted surgeries, including hysterectomies or sterilizations or put women in the position where ruthless doctors performed some type of surgical procedure that a woman who understands her body would never consent to. If you don’t take the time to read about what’s happening in your body, you are placing your faith and trust in a doctor who may not make decisions in your best interests.
5. They think natural healing is a scam.
It’s funny how logic gets twisted over the years. Medical science is the newcomer on the planet and should prove itself; not natural healing, which has already proven itself for centuries.
Yet the dominant medical industry attacks natural healers because they don’t want to compete with them. Unfortunately, many medical procedures are uncalled for and flat out don’t work.
The big question is how much magnesium for period pain is to be taken; what is the dosage; and how do you take it. To take magnesium, start with a 300-400 mg capsule of magnesium oxide, citrate or glycinate. You can also try magnesium oil, which is magnesium chloride. It’s also called magnesium gel. This won’t stain the skin or clothing.
If by some chance you don’t get any results with magnesium, take a magnesium capsule with calcium added to it in the dosages of 500 mg calcium with 250 mg magnesium, to help absorption and help relieve possible symptoms of magnesium and calcium deficiencies.
And if neither of these don’t give you satisfactory results, figure that you probably are low in more nutrients than just calcium and magnesium. Get a period vitamin, which Is a one a day supplement and will start raising the levels of all the nutrients – vitamins and minerals that are contained in the formula to support your body during menstrual cycles. A period vitamin also contains herbs commonly known to help alleviate PMS symptoms.