Here’s an easy way to remember how to get rid of menstrual cramps without medicine: Rub, steam, exercise, supplement and juice or eat them out.
It’s six major solutions. You rub ‘em out, steam ‘em out, exercise ‘em out, supplement ‘em out with herbs, vitamins, minerals or period vitamin, and juice or eat ‘em out. You do these quickly, naturally, and without any harm to your body at all.
They’re all at home ways to alleviate menstrual cramps, and you live your life again when on your period, never again asking what is the best way to get rid of menstrual cramps.
Let’s go through these tips to relieve them right now.
1. Rub out those painful menstrual cramps.
Massage your abdomen, your low back, and your buttocks. Then apply pressure to points every inch and in every direction in these areas, holding them for about a minute each. What you’re doing is hitting the exceptionally important acupressure points that relieve the cramps.
2. Steam out those really bad menstrual cramps.
Apply a hot pack to the area where the bad menstrual cramps are. This will draw in extra nutrients to the area and relieve the cramps. How to get rid of menstrual cramps couldn’t be easier with this one – and it slows you down a bit so you can relax.
3. Exercise out those painful menstrual cramps.
Can you rearrange your schedule for an hour of aquatic exercises three times a week? This has been found in the research to make a significant difference.
If not, can you take a walk and contract your abdomen several times along the walk? You’ll likely notice a big difference in the cramps by the time you get back.
4. Supplement them out with vitamins and minerals, and herbs for period cramps.
Cramps may be caused by vitamin or mineral (nutrient) deficiencies, such as calcium, magnesium and omega-3 deficiency. Although these are easily supplemented in your diet, it’s a good idea to be tested for them so you know where you’re starting from. Otherwise, you’re guessing and don’t know when to slow down the supplements.
A hair analysis tells you what your calcium and magnesium levels are, along with other valuable information on boron status. A boron deficiency can cause erratic periods, stop your periods and make it rough for your body to synthesize estrogen and progesterone. Thus, a hair analysis can provide clues as to what you need for how to get rid of menstrual cramps.
Other minerals tested include zinc, copper, iodine, molybdenum, selenium, chromium, vanadium, manganese, and toxic heavy metals. It’s valuable information for your health and for your life and the protocol used to get you back on track makes a big difference in your sense of optimal health.
Taking a period vitamin is a good first step, but after you’ve been on it for awhile, then do get a hair analysis to balance out your nutrients. You can always go back to the period vitamin by itself once your nutrient levels are regular again.
Herbs for period cramps are well known for their ability to stop the cramps. Here’s a list of some of them: red raspberry leaf, chasteberry, dong quai, damiana, black cohosh, and blue cohosh. Click on our other article for more in-depth information on these.
5. Juice or eat them out with healthy juicing, a healthy drink or healthy foods.
Foods contain the important nutrients you’ll find in your period vitamin, and have them in natural food form easily assimilable to your body. Again, calcium, magnesium and omega-3 are important, but so are several others. This is the reason why you always need a whole spectrum of good, healthy foods, and can’t concentrate on only a few eaten daily.
Juicing offers you the easiest way to consume a whole range of fruits and vegetables. With juicing, you don’t have to eat your swiss chard or mustard greens, you can juice them together with more flavorful veggies such as tomatoes, carrots and celery. Sipping on a healthy drink each day curbs hunger, makes you feel centered and calm, and most importantly, can make a big difference in your menstrual cramps.
You won’t have to wonder how to get rid of menstrual cramps; they’ll be a thing of the past.
Eating these same foods and focusing on lean meats, five or more servings of vegetables with at least two servings of dark, leafy greens and three servings of fruit daily with a handful of nuts or seeds eaten in between, you’ll be able to feel better in other ways, too.
How do you get rid of period cramps?
You rub, steam, exercise, supplement and juice or eat them out. How to get rid of menstrual cramps is really asking the question, what is the knowledge I need here to be wise about this situation and find a solution. And now you know. Rub, steam, exercise, supplement, juice or eat them out. And you will never need to ask the question how to get rid of menstrual cramps again.