Can you use essential oils for period cramps? Can you depend on their results to help you effectively? Or is it just another of the remedies for period cramps that won’t help you and your cramps during your period will continue? First of all, you should know that essential oils have been used for menstrual cramps for decades. And that’s successfully. The big question is what essential oil is good for menstrual cramps
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Having cramps before your period can and does happen for a lot of women. Usually it’s a few days before the period starts and then lasts a few days into the period. Then they stop. If you’re having cramping one week before your period or even cramps two weeks before your period, it’s a good idea to have a medical doctor check it out. It’s also a good idea to get to the doctor if you have period cramps but no period a
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When you’re in the midst of your period, do you ever wonder what causes period cramps? Probably if you have severe menstrual cramps, you have wondered this a lot. Menstrual cramps basically occur because there are contractions that are happening in the uterus to slough off the endometrial wall. The contractions can cut off oxygen to the uterus, and then you have pain and cramping. Causes of Cramps During Period Some
Severe period cramps are one of those things that can truly incapacitate you. They can make you miss work or school. They can make you sit on the toilet for a long time doubled over in pain. They can make you feel so sick that you won’t eat for hours, and then you are ravenous and eat everything in sight. They can make you sleep for an exorbitant number of hours because it’s sometimes easier to sleep off pain than de
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Are there any foods that help with period cramps? Have you wondered this if you have had difficulty with cramping during period? You may have heard about different foods used as a home remedy but simply don’t know if it’s worth pursuing them the next time you have cramps before the period. For example, do bananas help with period cramps? Does chocolate help cramps? Does pickle juice help? Are there any teas that hel
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