You can attack the problem of cramps during your period or cramps before your period (and even after your period) with food. Food is something natural that can be used to your advantage. What’s funny is that food is so natural as a cure for many illnesses that many doctors overlook it not only for severe menstrual cramp relief but also for other issues. There are many different directions you could go to use food t
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When you have cramps before your period or cramps during your period, it causes a bit of anxiety when you get to the point where they are ready to occur again. You start to anticipate that they will become a problem, they will disrupt your life, and you want to find period cramps relief. Period cramps occur for a number of reasons – and none of the reasons are ones that you can’t tackle successfully. You can learn ho
[easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin" counters=0 native="no" text="How to Stop Menstrual Cramps Fast – 8 Ways That You Can Use Today" url=""]
Having a painful lump in the breast before the period is a harrowing experience. It makes you anxious. Do you have cancer? Are you going to have to get chemotherapy or worse yet, surgery to remove a breast? If so, will you be in a lot of pain? Will you die? This line of thinking has to be controlled. It’s called runaway thinking and it can literally drive you into severe stress and make you make decisions you will r
[easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin" counters=0 native="no" text="I Have a Lump in My Breast Before My Period – What Does It Mean and What Do I Do?" url=""]
When you think about the whole issue of having breast pain during your period, you have to consider a lot of things: • Is it normal for breast to hurt during period? Knowing what is normal and what is abnormal is important to establish if there’s a true medical problem or not. • What type of pain in the breast is it? Is it a sharp pain in the breast? Is it dull? Does it come and go in waves? All these answers will ma
[easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin" counters=0 native="no" text="Why Does My Breast Hurt During Period, How To Get Fast & Permanent Relief" url=""]
Breast tenderness before the period is no picnic. Sometimes the breasts can be so sore that you don’t even want to wear a bra – and in other situations the pain can be so severe that you don’t want to wear anything from the waist up. Having breast pain before the period should never be considered normal. It means something needs to be changed in your life. Otherwise you won’t eliminate it. Sore breasts can include a
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