Back pain during your period can include: upper back pain severe back pain with your period back pain after period lower back pain before period severe lower back pain during your period This type of menstrual back pain doesn’t have to be your reality. It could be a thing of the past. Why does your back hurt on your period? There are many different reasons. We’ll get to that a little bit later. First let’s get to th
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Have you noticed hormonal fluctuations in your acne (including chest acne, acne on your chin, jawline acne, back acne, acne during ovulation and period)? Do you get cystic acne during your period? Why do periods cause acne anyway? Do you want to know how to get rid of acne during your period? Have you had an acne breakout recently? Are you tired of covering it up? Do you long for clear skin? If so, it’s time to devel
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For many women, tender breasts during PMS is one of the worst symptoms. That’s because they are very emotionally-giving women, generally in relationships and huggers. The sore breasts during PMS cramps their style and makes it impossible to hug their boyfriend, husband or family members and friends. It’s the only time of the month (PMS) when they get breast pain. Why do breasts hurt during PMS? What is it about swoll
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Is Fatigue a Symptom of PMS? is different than regular fatigue. Regular fatigue is when you are tired after a workout or tired after staying up late. It’s temporary and changes quickly when you get a night of sleep. When you get PMS, you are tired for about 4 or 5 days. It’s fatigue during your period and sometimes in some women, it could be called PMS exhaustion. Role of the Adrenals for PMS Fatigue Relief The quest
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Has your boyfriend, best friend or your family told you that you are emotional during PMS? Is it really true that there is a connection between PMS and emotions? If so, then what causes the PMS emotions? To answer these questions, you have to understand about your liver. Your liver could be called the seat of your emotions although people generally regard the heart or the different parts of the brain as the seat of t
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