When you have breast lumps during your period, you’re most likely asking yourself questions: Is it normal to have lumps in breast during period? How long do menstrual breast lumps last? How to get rid of lumps in breast Can you get lumps in your breast during your period? Is it cancer? Since your worst fear is whether or not you have cancer, you should remember these facts: Does the pain from the sore lump in your
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There are different ways you can look at the topic of bloating before your period, bloating during your period, and bloating after your period. One way to do so is to consider the foods you are eating. In a way you can consider these home remedies for period bloating. Foods that are high in potassium and foods high in sodium should always be balanced in your body. If they aren’t, bloating can result. In fact, mostl
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Bloating around your period comes in many different forms: • bloating before your period • bloating 2 weeks before period • bloating during period (or even extreme bloating before period) • bloating after period Menstrual bloating is different than regular bloating after you eat a meal containing foods you are allergic to or sensitive to. This type of bloating after allergic foods is accompanied with gas pains that a
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Do you have back pain before your period? Or do you have lower back pain and cramps but no period? Period back pain is actually quite common these days. If you check around with your friends, you’ll most likely find that three out of five people you know with menstrual periods has lower back pain before their menstrual cycle. Some of them will even have such intense back pain that they will have to miss work and/or s
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You don’t have to suffer with severe lower back pain during your period. Menstrual back pain is not universal. Have you ever wondered why not everyone has period back pain? Back pain can be downright debilitating and even cause you missed time from work. It can cost you your relationship, interfere with family relationships, and interrupt the accomplishment of your goals throughout life. It’s no fun at all. Many peop
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