Sore breasts after the period seems like it shouldn’t happen at all. Shouldn’t they be sore before or during the period instead? Yet some women have sore breasts 2 weeks after their period. Why? Is it normal for breast to hurt after the period? The answer could be that it’s a sign they are ovulating. Or they are pregnant. In either of these cases, the breasts may hurt because they feel heavier than usual. The soren
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Acne is bad enough during the month for a lot of women, but when it occurs during the period, it seems to be even worse. Why do I get acne before my period? What causes it? Acne before the period is practically a sign that the period is coming especially if you have PMS. The period is a time for the body to eliminate waste products, and if you are experiencing PMS, it’s a sign that the waste products in your body ar
[easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin" counters=0 native="no" text="Period Acne – There Really is a Lot You Can Do To Stop It" url=""]
Do you have cramps but no period? If so, you may be wondering why this is occurring. Here are the top reasons for this condition: 1. Irritable bowel syndrome 2. Pregnancy with miscarriage 3. Pelvic infection or pelvic inflammation 4. Ovarian cysts 5. Endometriosis 6. Stress 7. Omega 3 deficiency 8. Calcium or magnesium deficiency Cramps without a period generally means that there are other health issues that have to
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How long have you had your period cramps? Has it been a few years now? More than 10 years? Are they severe period cramps? How long have you been seeking period cramp relief? What causes menstrual cramps is the inflammatory compounds released in the body called prostaglandins. These are released in high amounts during the menstrual shedding of the interior lining of the uterus. The shedding of the uterus happens month
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Have you been wondering how to get rid of period cramps? Are your menstrual cramps getting you down in the dumps? Do you ever feel that maybe there’s a life out there you could have where menstrual cramps are gone and you have period cramps relief? What Causes Menstrual Cramps? Menstrual cramps are caused by the contraction of the uterus in combination with prostaglandins that are causing inflammation. The higher th