If you have fatigue during or before your period, it could be due to a lot of reasons. For example, it could be from any of the following:
• headache
• nausea
• dizziness
• chronic fatigue (extreme fatigue from PMS)
• PMS fatigue
• other menstrual symptoms
• vitamin and mineral deficiencies
The fact is that menstrual symptoms can wear you out. In fact, any time you have pain, it’s an energy robber.
One of the biggest secrets to overcoming PMS fatigue is to do whatever you can possibly do to be in optimal health. This often means changing your mindset about how you think about health. Do you always choose the best meal to eat and the best beverage to drink? Do you always choose the best time to go to sleep? Do you always do things to decrease your stress – or do you prolong your stress by not addressing issues that are going on?
Once you are dedicated to optimal health, you make great decisions on all these 90% of the time – and it starts showing up in the rest of your health and quality of life. You quickly learn that you can beat PMS fatigue by making global decisions that are good for your health.
5 Remedies for PMS Fatigue
1. Find Out If You’re High in Heavy Metals
To combat period fatigue, get a hair analysis to find out if your body is accumulating heavy metals and toxic elements. We all live in such a highly toxic environment and you can’t know how toxic you are unless you can see in writing where your levels of these toxic elements are. They drain the body and the situation worsens the longer it goes on.
2. Vegetables are Winners on Every Count
To combat period fatigue, eat more vegetables – or take vegetable capsules. This may read like a broken record – and you’ve heard it many times before but the fact is that the lack of greens and green veggies in the diet means that you will be lacking the chlorophyll in the diet to prevent fatigue.
3. Antioxidants are a Big Key
Overcoming PMS fatigue may be a matter of taking more antioxidants. Fatigue is a clue that the body is tired, which means the oxidative processes have overwhelmed the antioxidant levels in your body. Your antioxidants are vitamins A, C, and E, as well as glutathione, selenium, zinc and others. It’s not difficult to take more antioxidants by consuming a period vitamin daily. This type of vitamin is different than regular vitamin and mineral supplements on the market that aren’t well suited for those who are menstruating. Your needs are vastly different because you are menstruating. The loss of monthly blood takes nutrients out of the body, such as iron and vitamin B12.
4. Another Way to Get More Antioxidants
Antioxidants also come in through the bottoms of your feet through the grass. By sitting outside for 10 minutes a day on a chair with your feet on the grass, that’s all it takes to increase your antioxidant levels and decrease fatigue. You’ll notice a big difference in a few days.
5. B Vitamins
Remember that B vitamins always can be a relief for PMS fatigue. B vitamins are needed as cofactors in the breakdown of food for energy. Without them, you will have fatigue, guaranteed. B vitamins are found in a B complex vitamin supplement, of which you take one per day. They’re also found in a period vitamin.
You can alleviate your PMS fatigue. Use these principles to get started treating yourself. You will then have the chance to understand your body and its needs but more importantly, to cure your PMS fatigue.