There really are foods that help with PMS breast tenderness, just as there are foods that can help decrease PMS cramps.
When determining what foods are good for sore breasts, think outside the box for a moment and not from your memory of what Sally or Sue told you to eat. The first thing to consider is why do you have sore breasts in the first place.
There are three main reasons: 1) hormonal imbalance with too much estrogen, 2) too much salt in your diet, and 3) eating inflammatory foods.
Thus, the best foods to eat during your menstrual cycle when you want to alleviate breast tenderness are high fiber foods that help the body detoxify itself of too much estrogen, high potassium foods, and non-processed, low sugar, and non-allergenic foods.
Can certain foods cause breast tenderness?
You bet they can, but by sticking to the ‘rules’, you can beat it.
Best Foods to Eat for PMS Breast Tenderness
Thus, each woman’s list of foods to relieve breast tenderness is going to be different. However, here are three lists of foods that can go a long way in helping you reduce swollen breasts:
High Fiber Foods (Detoxify excess estrogen)
- Almonds, walnuts, filberts, peanuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, pine nuts
- Apples, pears, pomegranates, asian pear fruit
- Kale, broccoli, cabbage, sauerkraut, swiss chard, spinach, romaine lettuce, celery, carrots
Beans of any type, lentils
- Yams (contain progesterone)
High Potassium Foods (Counteract high sodium foods)
- Watermelon
- Cantaloupe
- Honeydew melon
- Bananas
- Oranges
Non-processed, Low Sugar Foods
- All fruits and vegetables
- Non-packaged meats, poultry and fish you have to cook
- Nuts and seeds
- Butter, dairy products, yogurts
- Olive oil, coconut oil
Many people are now allergic to or sensitive to grains, so if you are one of them, all grains would be on the list as well. Whatever foods you are allergic to are foods that potentially make breasts sore and are foods to avoid with breast tenderness.
Best Meals to Eat for Breast Tenderness (PMS)
Foods that help with breast tenderness can be tasty if you create good meals around them. Here are 5 meal plans that can help you create meals based on these lists:
- Beef strips, broccoli, ginger, pineapple juice (to sweeten), coconut flakes over rice (as long as rice is one of the foods that help you), vanilla or chocolate pudding (homemade where you can control the sugar)
- Chicken breast, yams sweetened with real maple syrup, green beans, coconut almond flour muffins, fruit for dessert
- Lamb chops with mint jelly, red potatoes with olive oil, steamed asparagus spears, chocolate ice cream
- Buffalo burger with ketchup and mustard on bun (if not allergic to the bun), lettuce leaf, sprouts, tomato, onion, sweet potato fries, sauerkraut, fruit salad with coconut and almonds
- Chicken wings, salad with honey mustard dressing, rice salad with carrots and peas, fresh watermelon strips
You can still eat like a queen and get rid of breast tenderness!
So now it’s up to you. Are you going to do what it takes to prevent breast tenderness? Have you seen how easy it is to change to this new way of living? Is it worth your health and happiness to make a change?
By the way, there’s one more thing to know. Vitamin and mineral deficiencies can contribute to your breast tenderness.
A simple solution is to take a period vitamin that contains all the important vitamins and minerals for you to support you during this time of the month.
A period vitamin is easily popped into your mouth after each tasty meal. So do add it to your daily regime of eating foods that help with breast tenderness.