Menstrual headache relief can sometimes be tricky. You might have been trying many different things for your headaches for several months including yoga but to no avail. If this is the case, you need to dig deeper and determine what might be behind your headaches.
Here are 3 underlying causes of headaches you may not have considered:
1. Dental issues
A tooth infection is notorious for causing a headache. As soon as your tooth is taken care of, the headache pain will go away, and you’ll have fewer headaches related to your period.
2. Poor digestion and bad flora in the intestines
The bacteria living in your body outnumbers your cells. The bacteria in your gut control a lot of immune system functions as well as mood, pain and inflammation, and of course your digestive processes. If you have a sterile gut because you have been eating a lot of microwaved food, your digestive tract won’t be too happy with you. Add some probiotics! It’s as simple as adding a capsule of probiotics each day.
3. Heavy metals accumulating in the body
Nickel, cadmium and lead toxicity can be a cause of headaches. You don’t need to have a period for this to occur. However, whenever there’s the added stress of your menses, headaches from another cause could become worse in intensity and/or more frequent. A hair analysis could tell you if toxic elements are accumulating in your body.
Thus the question of how to relieve a headache from the period naturally would tend to be answered best when you know exactly what you are dealing with. If you don’t have any of these three causes of headache during your period, your best pain reliever may be acupuncture. It’s a natural PMS headache relief that has worked for centuries. Points on the body are pressed or needled with thin needles and after 15-25 minutes, your headache could be gone.
Even more natural than acupuncture is the use of food to cure a PMS headache. Many headaches are caused by dehydration so foods high in water content are a good choice. That means watermelons, strawberries, cucumbers and jicama.
Vasoconstrictor foods such as a cup of coffee or caffeine such as what is found in chocolate would also be another good choice. And spicy foods contain substances that will interact with substance P in the brain so the headache pain decreases.
These 5 ways to relieve a headache (take care of the teeth, get a probiotic, reduce heavy metals, acupuncture and eat certain headache relieving foods) are ones you could check out. You might be pleasantly surprised about the results.
But don’t forget your period vitamin (PV). The PV will provide plenty of vitamins and minerals that are needed to prevent and correct headaches, such as the B vitamins, vitamin C, calcium and magnesium.