Before you think about doing yoga moves to relieve the PMS bloat, have you taken care of your nutritional needs? Have you been taking a period vitamin? Nutritional deficiencies are the number one cause of cramping and bloating as well as moodiness and depression when you have your period. A period vitamin supplies basic nutrients so you won’t have these vitamin and mineral deficiencies. With that said, you may have b
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Breast tenderness may be caused by many different things, and each cause determines what treatments or supplements to take for sore breasts. Treatments may include vitamins and minerals, herbs, and even simple solutions such as an ice pack or a hot compress. To relieve breast tenderness, first ask yourself if the cause is due to inflammation or infection. It’s possible that your bra is causing inflammation or cutting
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Can yoga poses help your menstrual back pain? You bet, especially when your back muscles are firing faster than the rounds of a shot gun! The yoga poses give your body the chance to relax your muscles, something that many peope can’t seem to do voluntarily on their own. The fact is that women in India and other countries that practice yoga have been using yoga for PMS back pain for decades if not millenia. It d
[easy-share buttons="facebook,twitter,google,linkedin" counters=0 native="no" text="5 Yoga Poses That Eliminates Menstrual Back Pain Quick and Painless" url=""]
For all those women who suffer from pms (pre-menstrual syndrome) wild yam root might be an answer. This herb is also known as Mexican wild yam or just wild yam. It is said that wild yam root for menstrual cramps, an irregular period or other forms of period pain is very effective. So can you take wild yam during your period? Does wild yam really help pms? If it really is effective to help with these pms symptoms, how
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No woman wants severe bloating on her period – or during the rest of the month either! That uncomfortable feeling all day long is more than unpleasant; it’s miserable. It makes you not want to eat anything and hate yourself for not fitting into the tight jeans you want to wear today! It’s just not fair, you may think! But you can actually begin right now and change your thinking to what to take for menstrual bloating
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