Getting rid of sore breasts from PMS is a question that many women want the answer to. Some estimates say that 50% of women have tenderness in the breast while others report 82% are affected. The standard way to reduce tenderness is to relieve congestion that may be accumulating. This is done via a massage of the sore swollen breasts. Have you ever massaged your breasts? If not, simply follow this procedure and you’r
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All those headaches and cramps you have every month – is there a way to either prevent them or get relief from them? Lets Get To the Bottom Of This Together! What about the tender, sore breasts and the distended abdomen from bloating? How do I deal with that? How do you get rid of the pain from constipation or from the weight gain and fluid retention when your ankles are swollen and you are miserable? Do you have bac
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Premenstrual Syndrome and the imbalance of the hormones estrogen and progesterone can cause many different symptoms, pain sources and discomforts for millions of women. One of the most common complaints that women have includes excruciating lower back pain and some upper back pain as well as overall back pain late in the menstrual cycle. What is it that can be done to help women get through this monthly event without
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If you are trying to reduce PMS weight gain, then there are a few things you should know about the average menstruation weight gain. The first thing to know is that just because you have menstruation weight gain, it doesn’t mean that you will have it the rest of the years you have your period. You can beat the weight gain, but you are going to have to come to terms with your physiology, understand it and do wha
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Many women wonder if nausea is a sign of PMS. It is, and indicates that the liver is backed up. If you’re nauseated, you won’t want to eat and if you do eat, you may end up feeling sick and even vomiting. Nausea is thus a way to prevent you from eating any more food because your body hasn’t adequately processed the food you ate recently. Getting nauseated can occur any time during the month, not jus
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