You know the feeling of PMS anger and rage. It’s the one that rises up from the depths of your soul seemingly out of nowhere and then lashes out at anyone and everyone in the vicinity. You hate it and yet, you can’t control it. You feel as if you need some outside force to control you once it appears because it beats you every time. What Causes PMS Anger? The PMS rage can be a sign of a few things. First of all, if i
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Feeling light headed and dizzy is no fun at all, and if it’s happening to you during your period, it’s time to find a solution. Many women ask is dizziness a symptom of PMS, and in some women it may be. Dizziness or lightheadedness is not a common symptom of PMS. Sometimes the dizziness is not alone; a woman may be nauseous and dizzy at the same time. And meanwhile, she is suffering from the dizziness during her peri
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What Happens to Hormones During the Menstrual Period? Your pituitary gland is the master gland that controls the hormone production between the ovaries and the brain during your menstrual cycle. It controls essentially the menstrual cycle, because if the balance of hormones is completely out of alignment, no period will occur. An example of this is seen in those who have anorexia. Their hormone production of both est
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Can PMS Cause Diarrhea? If you have diarrhea during your period, it’s not due to your period. This is not a normal symptom of what happens during PMS. So technically there’s no such thing as PMS diarrhea. Therefore, there’s no treatment for PMS diarrhea because it doesn’t exist. You may have been wondering why does PMS cause diarrhea, how long does PMS diarrhea last, and is diarrhea a symptom of PMS, but there techni
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Have you been wishing you had answers to any of these questions: What causes PMS cramps? When do PMS cramps start? What do PMS cramps feel like? What’s the difference between PMS cramps vs pregnancy cramps? How long do PMS cramps last? How to get rid of PMS cramps? What do you do to get PMS cramps relief? What helps PMS cramps? Why won’t my doctor give me PMS cramp remedies instead of medications? When you hav
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