Can PMS Cause Diarrhea?
If you have diarrhea during your period, it’s not due to your period. This is not a normal symptom of what happens during PMS. So
technically there’s no such thing as PMS diarrhea. Therefore, there’s no treatment for PMS diarrhea because it doesn’t exist.
You may have been wondering why does PMS cause diarrhea, how long does PMS diarrhea last, and is diarrhea a symptom of PMS, but there technically is no medical connection. There may be a connection of a faulty intestinal tract with diarrhea, and during one’s period the intestinal tract gets more upset than usual, but that’s the extent of the connection.
If there is diarrhea with nausea and vomiting that happens to occur during PMS, it’s a sign that you may have other health issues. So you can have diarrhea during the same time you have PMS.
For example, any of the following are the reasons why diarrhea occurs:
- The bacterial flora in the intestines are not correct.
- You have irritable bowel syndrome.
- You ate something that contained a bacteria or virus in it that causes food poisoning.
- You are traveling and have traveler’s diarrhea.
- Your body is trying to purge itself.
- You have parasites.
How long does PMS diarrhea last?
Well, again, it’s plain old diarrhea, not PMS diarrhea! Diarrhea can last anywhere from a few hours to several months. For example, there’s a bacterial infection called Clostridium dificile that causes diarrhea for a few months, or until the doctor can get it under control.
Diarrhea can be a life-threatening condition if left unchecked. In fact, babies can die from diarrhea because they lose their electrolytes – and it’s the same thing with adults. You always want to do something about diarrhea whenever you have it.
Six Natural Ways to Treat Diarrhea (No such thing as PMS diarrhea)
- Take a probiotic with 150 billion colony forming units (cfu) per capsule. Take one twice daily about 8 hours apart. Continue this until the diarrhea leaves.
- Clean out the colon with regular colonic hydrotherapy sessions to regain health of the intestines from the irritable bowel syndrome.
- Take two capsules charcoal with a large glass of water twice daily until the diarrhea relieves itself.
- Be more careful with drinking water and ice and eating vegetables or fruits in foreign countries. In the meantime, take charcoal as explained in #3.
- Mix one heaping tablespoon slippery elm herb with ½ cup applesauce. Add cinnamon if you need more flavor. Eat this mixture. Repeat twice. This is a way to stop diarrhea (or if you want to call it PMS diarrhea…)
- Do a complete parasite cleanse for 90 days. You’ll have to find these online, complete with instructions.
Take Care of the PMS – It’s Easy
If you have PMS, you should be working on ways to eliminate the PMS. One of the easiest ways to do this is to take a Period Vitamin. The term period vitamin may be a new one that you are unfamiliar with. It means a multivitamin that contains vitamins and minerals but is made specifically for those women that are in their reproductive years. They still have their period and can still get pregnant.
Women who aren’t in their reproductive years don’t need the same amounts of vitamins and minerals as those who are. For example, women that have their periods lose a lot of iron via their menstrual periods whereas women in menopause don’t have this issue at all. The women with their periods therefore need extra iron whereas women in menopause don’t. There are other nutrients that have to be different for women in their reproductive years as well.
A period vitamin is taken once daily. Most women can remember to take something once daily so it’s an easy addition to the daily habits. You simply add it to a few other daily habits you are already doing.