PMS constipation – is it really true that PMS and constipation are both related to each other? Some experts say yes… others say no. What we do know is that constipation is quite common during a woman’s period, and a lot of women do have PMS. Thus, many women put it together that there really is something called PMS constipation. Is constipation a sign of PMS? No, it could occur at any time of the month. It can also l
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Many women dread their periods because of PMS and headaches. Their symptoms can start with an aura and then rapidly progress to a throbbing headache, vomiting, and a migraine headache for days. It could take up to 10 days for the headache to subside. This means the headache continues well after the period stops. The location of the PMS headache could be the forehead, back of the head or even include the sides, or all
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Why do you get bloated before an important date or event? Is it related to PMS gas and bloating? What causes bloating during PMS? How long does PMS bloating last? If you are asking yourself and others around you for PMS bloating remedies or even have severe bloating, it’s time to find relief. About Bloating and Why You Get It Bloating occurs in the GI tract when you eat foods that are not broken down properly. The lo
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Can PMS cause nausea? Is nausea a symptom of PMS? How long does PMS nausea last? Is there any kind of PMS nausea treatment out there that works? Can I learn how to stop PMS nausea with natural remedies? All these questions have answers – and you’ll find them here. The Bottom Line: PMS Nausea is Not Normal So Don’t Accept It Having nausea during PMS or nausea during your period is not a normal situation. You were not
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Having PMS symptoms during your period isn’t any fun – plus it’s not the way that life is supposed to be during your periods. Many women feel very nauseous, have tender breasts or cramps, are bloated, experience dizziness and more during or before their period – and instead, your periods should be no different than normal daily life. Yes, that’s correct. No different than a normal day when you aren’t on your period.
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